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IPSDUZAnalitical documents

Analitical documents

  • Application of BLOCKCHAIN ​​technology in the provision of public services in Uzbekistan

  • Methodical manual on the issues of effective organization of the activities of the secretariats of the local councils of people's deputies

  • Management of human resources in local government bodies

  • Analytical paper. Legal and regulatory frameworks in European Union on private sector involvement in public service delivery

  • Capacity needs assessment report for business process re-engineering in public service delivery in Uzbekistan

  • Report on Capacity Assessment and ROADMAP to increase capacities and availability on involving private sector actor in delivering public services in Uzbekistan

  • Local government performance measurement in Uzbekistan

  • A local government management training evaluation and improvement of the training program design

  • System of provision of public services and potential of employees Centers of State Services in Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Jizzakh, and Syrdarya regions

  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for the standardization of two public services in three pilot cities of Uzbekistan

  • On the results of the analysis of the development needs of responsible employees of PAA/PSC and corresponding government agencies, and assessment of the quality of provision of public services delivered through PSC in 5 pilot regions of Uzbekistan.

  • Summary of Best Practices of Public Private Partnerships in Public Service Delivery. Improvement of public service delivery and governance in rural areas of Uzbekistan.

  • Reports, regulatory acts, and data on the PPP initiative in the field of public service delivery.

  • Implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in Public Service Delivery in Europe

  • Review of the current state of standardization of public services worldwide.

  • Concept Note on implementation of applicable PPP mechanisms in Uzbekistan based on foreign best practice and local circumstances

  • Formation of women's advisory groups (WAG) in the public services of Uzbekistan

  • Формирование женских консультативных групп (ЖКГ) в государственных услуг Узбекистана

  • The role and significance of public services in Uzbekistan during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic

  • Analytical report on international practices and opportunities for implementing participatory budgeting in Uzbekistan

  • Analytical report on the results of functional analysis of 5 pilot district hokimiyats

  • Analytical report on the results of functional analysis of 5 pilot district departments of preschool education.

  • Analytical report on the results of functional analysis of 5 pilot district water supply and sanitation utilities "Suvoqava"

  • Analysis of Public Services Delivery (PSD) System to identify baselines for the development of the long term strategy for PSD System in Uzbekistan till 2025

  • Analysis of the Management System of the Agency for Public Services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Compliance with International Standards

  • Analysis and recommendations for improving the government service for registering children in preschool educational institutions

  • Analysis and recommendations for improving the government service for connection to centralized water supply

  • Analysis and recommendations for improving the government service for converting residential premises into non-residential category

  • Joint design for the provision of mobile government services: evaluation of service quality in the Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • Business Process Re-engineering Manual

  • A local government management training evaluation and improvement of the training program design

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